Sunday, 18 May 2008

Soal English SMA 1993

Evaluasi Belajar Tahap Akhir

Tahun 1993

Bahasa Inggris

Wacana 1


There many kinds of pollution. They can be
grouped into several major classifications, of which we
mention here; water pollution, air pollution, noise
pollution and radiation pollution.

Air pollution is caused by car engines and by big
factories with large chimneys through which dirty air

Land pollution can be caused by waste or rubbish
such as paper, bottles, alumunium, scraps, junk, etc.
Because of our carelessness and laziness, our
surrounding are very dirty. They are filled with
household as well factory waste. Some waste can be
broken down by natural organisms such as bacteria.
Rubbish like this is called organic waste. On the other
hand, rubbish which cannot be broken down by natural
organisms is called in organic waste. This is more
difficult to dispose of and it makes the surroundings
very unpleasant to look at.

Noise pollution can be caused by several thins;
loud music through loudspeakers, the noise of
motorized vehicles such as trucks, buses, motorcycles,
and also aircraft. Loud noise may caused deafness. It
can affect the heart and cause nervous strain.

Radiation pollution can kill many people in one
moment. It is caused by uranium and other radioactive.
The testing of atomic weapons is feared by people in
general because atomic weapon are radioactive. These
are a few example of the different kinds of pollution in
our lives.


Rubbish such as bottles, paper, plastic etc may cause ...

A. air
B. noise
C. land
D. water
E. radiation


Why is loud noise dangerous to our ears?

A. It was cause deafness
B. It makes us feel nervous
C. It can cause annoyance
D. It can make us feel upset
E. It may disturb our concentration


Radiation pollution can cause the death of many
people. We can get information from paragraph ...

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five


Which of these statements is true according to the text?

A. Loud noise is harmless to our ears.
B. Rubbish or waste can cause air pollution.
C. Factories and cars can cause land pollution.
D. Natural organism can break down some waste.
E. People are in favour of testing or atomic weapon.


This is more difficult to dispose of ... (paragraph 3).

"Dispose of means to ...

A. keep out
B. carry out
C. get rid of
D. arrange for
E. finalize with

Wacana 2


The air we breathe contains the gases oxygen and
nitrogen, and small quantities of other gases. Every gas
consists of molecules of a particular substance, moving
rafidly about. The molecules are comparatively far
apart, but they fill evenly any vessel containing them.
All gases can be changed to liquids, and some even to
solids, if they are cooled down enough.

The oxygen used in factories for making a very
hot flame to cut and weld steel is sometimes stored and
carried about in the liquid state and solid carbon
dioxide, usually called dry ice, is used for keeping ice-
cream cold.

The kinds of gases used in cookers and gas fires
come from three sources. The first kind is made3 of
naptha, which is a light oil; the second is made from
coal; while the third, natural gas, is almost entirely

Geologists believe that natural gas was produced
iron carboniferous, or coal-bearing rocks. The gas rose
into the rock holes in the sandstone, and was prevented
from escaping upwards out of the sandstone by a "cap"
rock-usually a from of rock salt-which formed a dome
over the natural reservoir of gas.

In Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia it is
common practice to use gas for cooking. Gas reaches
the houses through large underground pipes called gas
mains; and smaller pipes called service pipes lead to
the gas meters in each hose or building. The meter
records how much gas is used.

Natural and gas and gas from oil has no
distinctive smell, so an artificial smell is produced by
adding small quantities of concentrated a do rants, to
enable people to detect any leak that may occur.

Pertamina sells bottled gas under the name of

The gas is put in steel drums or cylinders. Bottled
gas is used by people who live places without a piped
supply, by yachtsmen and campers. Indonesia's role in
LNG production started in 1977 with the initiation of
the LNG facility at Bontang. About a year later the
plant at Arun also started production and exportation.


People, especially those who in big cities, commonly
use ... for cooking.

A. oil
B. gas
C. coal
D. naphta
E. oxygen


People who want to cook about usually use bottle gas.
This information is found in paragraph ...

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6


Which of the following statement is true according to
the text?

A. Carboniferous doesn't produce natural gas.
B. Air only contains oxygen and nitrogen.
C. All gases become liquids when they are cooled
down enough.
D. Dry ice can't be used for keeping ice cream cold.
E. It's not dangerous to use gas without distinctive


Paragraph... is about-the kinds of gas that people use
for doing something

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5


… to enable people to detect any leak (paragraph 5)
"Detect" means ...

A. turn off
B. look for
C. find out
D. look at
E. decide on

Wacana 3


In 1894, when Albert Einstein was 15, his father
lost money and could not support him any longer.
Other boys would have left school and stopped
studying. Not Albert. He left school for sometime, but
he later managed to go to a better school, the
Polytechnic in Zurich, Switzerland.

On leaving the Institute he discovered that no one
would offer him the kind of job he wanted. At last he
found a suitable one at the patent office in Berne.
Einstein's task at the paten office was to make an
investigation of the new products sent to his office. The
job did not require much of Einstein's new products
sent to his office. The job did not require much of
Einstein's time, so he was able to write scientific
articles. He published these in 1905. Scientists were
surprised by what he had written. They were even more
surprised when they knew that these articles, when
could have been written by a university professor, were
actually written by an official at a patent office.

Investigations were made and it was decided that
the official should be taken from the patent office and
given a more suitable job. A few years later, Einstein
became a professor at the University of Zurich. In 1911
he taught in Prague, and later at the Polytechnic
Institute in Switzerland, where he had been a student.
Then he was requested to move to Berlin.

Einstein stayed in Berlin for 20 years, from 1913
to 1933. During that period he worked on his famous
Theory of Relativity. He gave a simple example, in
simple language, to explain the idea of relativity. A
man riding on a train drops a stone out of the window.
To the man on the train, it seems that the stone follows
a straight path as it drops. However, to a man outside
the train, the part of the stone does not seem straight; it
looks like a parabola. The theory; expands those of
Newton an Galileo, which are correct; only under
certain conditions.

Einstein made very important contributions in the
field; of physics. The Nobel Prize that he won in 1912
at the a of 42 was no surprise to the scientific world.
No scientist beat him his field. What beat him was
time. He died in: Princeton in the U.S.A in 1955.
People believed that he was j the century's greatest man
of science.


Why did Albert Einstein leave school?

A. He found it difficult to find a job.
B. He went to a batter school in Zurich.
C. He was offered to work at a patent office.
D. Other boys left school and stopped studying.
E. His parent could not finance his education.


Which statement is correct according to the text?

A. Einstein wasn't at his office because he was being
B. Einstein wasn't a professor when he published the
surprising articles in 1905.
C. After leaving school for some time Einstein
worked at the patent office.
D. The scientist were surprised that the articles they/I
read was written by a university professor.
E. Because his job at the patent office didn't require
much of his time, he wrote the Theory of


Albert Einstein was able to write scientific articles;;
that surprised scientist. You can get this information-'
from paragraph ...

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5


They were even more surprise.... (paragraph 2)

The word "they" refers to ...

A. articles
B. products
C. scientist
D. the new products
E. Scientific articles


..., his father lost money.... (paragraph 1)

The word "lost" in the sentence above means ...

A. no longer had
B. couldn't get
C. used unwisely
D. had just enough
E. failed to obtain

Wacana 4


A volcano is a mountain surrounding an opening
in the earth's crust. Steam, gases, lava, ashes, and other
material are forced out almost continuously from an
active volcano. A dormant volcano, on the other hand,
erupts at long intervals. In an extinct volcano, the crater
has long been closed up with cold, solid lava.

Out earth was a sphere of gases which slowly
cooled off from the outside, forming a thin crust of
clod, solid materials, containing hot liquid, magma,
and gases. It was the very high pressure of the gases
forcing the magma through weak parts in the earth's
crust that formed volcanoes.

Most of our volcanoes are in Java. The most
active one is Mount Merapi at the north of Yogya. The
northern I-part of the crater has a high wall, so in
eruptions the lava r flows in every direction. The hot
lava slowly cools off into what is called 'lahar'.

In the rainy season, when the cool "lahar" on
Merapi's slopes is hit by rain it flows down the slopes
with great force, destroying everything in its path. The
flow of "lahar" mixed with rocks fills up the rivers,
while sand covers the fields.

The eruptions of sea volcanoes cause high waves,
flooding regions on the coasts. This happened when
Krakatau erupted in 1833. The sound of the eruption
was heard from places as far away as India and
Australia, distance of 3,600 to 4,800 km from
Krakatau. Around 18 cubic km of solid materials were
thrown up. The skies above place as far away as the
southern Pacific. Africa and South America were
darkened. 30 meter high waves flooded the coast of
Java and Lampung, sweeping away villages and 35,000

However, volcanoes are also a great blessing.
Volcanoes and mountains force the clouds to rise, and
cool them off, causing them a drop the water they
contain in the from of rain. The materials thrown up by
volcanoes contain minerals needed by plants.

The higher regions, being cool, are good for
coffee, tea and other plantations. The woods on the
slopes protect the soil against erosion, while the soil
acts as a water reservoir giving water to the rivers.


Volcanoes are formed from ...

A. moving lahar
B. solid materials
C. earth's crust
D. hot melted rock
E. materials thrown up


Why is the northern side of mount Merapi relatively
safe when there is an eruption?

A. The hot lava slowly cools off.
B. Mount Merapi lies at the north of Yogya,
C. In an eruption the lava flows in one direction.
D. Mount Merapi lies outside the three rows of
E. E There is a high wall at the northern side of the


There are three kinds of volcanoes according to the

This information is found in paragraph ...

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5


Which of the following statements is true according to
the text?

A. Volcanoes are formed by solid materials.
B. A volcanoes doesn't have any connection with
C. Volcanoes have several advantages and disad-
D. The northern side of Mount Merapi is covered with
lahar in eruptions.
E. The cool lahar on Merapi's slope always remain
solid in the rainy season.


In an Extinct volcano, the crater has log been closed up
with cold, sold lava. (Paragraph 1) The underlined
word means ...

A. no longer active
B. erupting continually
C. destroying everything
D. causing many disasters
E. forcing out many materials

Wacana 5


There is reason for the deepest concern about the
plight of Wildlife in our country. Many rare species are
threatened with extinction because of the greed of
hunters game collections. Orangutan are rarely found
in their natural habitat in the forest of Kalimantan and
Sumatra, but one may find them in zoo and private
menageries all over the world. Ruthless hunters kill
innocent elephants for their valuable ivory tusks, or
catch them alive to perform in circuses. Tiger's hides
decorate walls and floors of rich people's home in
distant countries.

If things are allowed to continue in this way, it is
feared that very soon all wildlife will disappear from
our forests. Fortunately, the government has now
imposed strict law on hunting. Some areas are
designated wildlife reserves where hunters cannot
enter. These include Ujungkulon and Pangandaran in
West Java, Merubetiri in East Java, and many more in
the other islands.

Some time ago our newspapers contained reports
of elephants which had run amok in the province of
Lampung. They had emerged from their abode in the
forest and destroyed crops and houses belonging to the
villagers. The people could not understand why the
beasts had suddenly gone wild. The strange thing was
that the animals had not come for food, because having
wrought destruction they returned to the forest. They
seemed to have come only to vent their anger. As
elephants are protected by law, the people could not
kill any of them.

The explanation for the elephants strange
behaviour is that they felt their quiet life had been
disturbed by the timber-felling projects and saw-mills
set up deep in the forest.

The animals felt their domain was being narrowed
by man, and so they got angry. Elephants need peace
and quiet for their family life. They also need vast
areas of land in which to roam. They live in herds, and
each herd likes to have its own territory.

Now the government has driven the elephants
back into the forests, away from any village or lumber-
mill. By shouting and shooting in the air the people
drove the great beasts to a new abode in the district of
Air Sugihan. It is hoped that they will feel at home
there and can live in peace and quiet.


The elephants were angry because their area was being
... by man.

A. burned
B. narrowed
C. disturbed
D. threatened
E. interrupted


The ... paragraph says that all wildlife will be extinct if
our government does not impose strict laws on hunting.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
E. fifth


Which the following statements is true according to the

A. Our government lets people fell timber in the
B. elephants emerged from their place because they
need food.
C. Orangutan are not found in the forests of
Kalimantan and Sumatra.
D. The people can kill elephants although they are
protected by law.
E. Elephants need to live in herds and each herd likes
to have its own territory.


..., but one may find them zoos and private menageries
all over the world, (par. 1}

The underlined word refers to ...

A. tigers
B. species
C. circuses
D. elephants
E. orangutan


They also need vast areas of land in which to roam,
(paragraph 4). The underlined word means ...

A. wide
B. large
C. small
D. narrow
E. immense


The part that is pointed by the arrow
in the picture is called the ...

A. temple
B. eyelid
C. eyelash
D. eyebrow
E. forehead


An astronaut must be accustomed to walking on the
moon, because the ... gravity is only one sixth to that of
the earth.

A. sun
B. lunar
C. solar
D. space
E. atmospheric


Bacteria are very small organism that can be seen only
through a ...

A. camera
B. binocular
C. telescope
D. microscope
E. contact lens


Famine, harsh climates, and wars have been man's
constant enemies. The word 'famine; means an serious
lack of ...

A. food
B. clothes
C. medicine
D. education
E. nutrition


One of the aims of ASEAN is to promote ... peace and
stability in Southeast Asia.

A. global
B. regional
C. external
D. national
E. international


The following words are connected with ecology,
except ...

A. tools
B. forest
C. people
D. animals
E. environment


The sunlight is really an inexhaustible source of
energy. The word 'inexhaustible' means ...

A. that is easy to go
B. that is hard to obtain
C. that is able to get lost
D. that is difficult to exploit
E. that cannot be used up completely


Which of the following words does not belong to
electrical appliances'?

A. hairdryer
B. warning pan
C. refrigerator
D. television set
E. vacuum cleaner


The announcer at the airport asked the passengers for
Singapore to board the aircraft. The underlined word
means ...

A. get in
B. get on
C. get to
D. get at
E. get up


The recent development in medicine has brought a
decrease in ... rate.

A. density
B. poverty
C. rapidity
D. fertility
E. mortality


The sentences:

Susi began to study English in 1986. She is still
studying English now.

Could be expressed:

Susi ... English since 1986?

A. studies
B. is studying
C. has been studying
D. will be studying
E. will have studied


Ari : Budi, have you heard that Ruslan is sick?

Budi : Yes, I have. He … for a week.

A. is hospitalized
B. was hospitalized
C. will be hospitalized
D. has been hospitalized
E. had been hospitalized


A : Mr. Witular is very friendly, isn't he?

B : Yes, I have. He ... for a week.

A. Since
B. Unless
C. Because
D. Although
E. In spite of


If Rani were not busy at the moment, she would go out
with me, said Maria. From Maria's utterance we know
that Rani ... with her.

A. goes
B. went
C. would go
D. didn't go
E. doesn't go


The child ate up all the meal we had served. He... very

A. will have been
B. could have been
C. must have been
D. would have been
E. should have been


Bob : I won't come to the meeting tomorrow. What
about you?

Janet : Well, I'm afraid ...

A. so will I
B. I will too
C. neither do I
D. I won't either
E. I don't either


'I wish my sister had mailed my letter yesterday', said

From John's utterance we know that his sister ... it.

A. has mailed
B. had mailed
C. would mail
D. didn't mail
E. hadn't mailed


Anggi : Do you prefer playing hockey or playing

Janet : Well, I'm afraid ...

A. play
B. washes
C. to play
D. an playing
E. to be playing


John : Your car always looks shiny. Do you wash it

Paul : No, I don't. I always get it ...

A. wash
B. washes
C. washed
D. washing
E. to wash


Mother : ta, have you had your breakfast.

Ita : Not yet, mum.

Father : What did your mother ask you, Ita?

Ita : Oh, she wanted to know whether ...

A. I had my breakfast
B. I had had my breakfast
C. You had your breakfast
D. I have had my breakfast
E. You had had you breakfast


A : Can you play tennis?

B : Certainly.

The underlined expression is used ...

A. to ask about likes
B. to ask for permission
C. to ask for information
D. to ask someone's ability
E. to ask about possibility


Andy : Excuse me. May I go home earlier? I have an
important business to do.

Mira : …

Whish one of these expressions can be used to
complete the dialogue?

A. Thank you.
B. Oh, wonderful.
C. By all means
D. I'll do it for you.
E. I'm glad to hear that.


Suppose you have some guests at home. As it is very
hot, you ask them whether they want you to switch on
the fan. What would you say?

A. May I switch on the fan?
B. Switch on the fan, please?
C. Shall I switch on the fan?
D. It's very hot in here, isn't it?
E. Why don't you switch on the fan?


It is Friday afternoon. Budi and Santo are getting ready
to leave the office.

Budi tells Santo what he is going to do at the weekend.

What does Budi say to Santo?

Budi can say to Santo each of the following expression
except ...

A. I'm not sure where to go.
B. I plan to go to Taman Safari.
C. I'm thinking of visiting my uncle.
D. I'm going to Puncak with my family.
E. I intend to invite my former classmates to have


Susan : Do you think the manager will come soon?

Clerk : ... He is always punctual.

A. I doubt it.
B. Certainly not.
C. I'm absolutely sure
D. It depends, you know.
E. I don't think he will.
