Evaluasi Belajar Tahap Akhir Nasional
Tahun 1990
Bahasa Inggris
Wacana 1
One person has vegetables, but wants fruit.
Another man has a great deal of fruit, but want some
vegetables. So the first man gives some of his
vegetables to the second, and the second man gives
some of his fruit to the first. He has exchanged the
vegetables for the fruit. They are happy now. Trade has
made them happy.
People have always traded. Why have they
traded? They have traded because they have wanted a
better life. At first people exchanged their things for
other things. Now people buy and sell things - they
trade for money.
Many foreigners have come to Indonesia for
trade. The first traders came for spices. That was for
very long time ago. Now the traders come here for
many other things.
History has shown us that a country has to trade if
its people want a better life. Indonesia is trying hard to
improve its trade. It sells many things to other
countries but the most important things are oil, rubber,
tin and copra.
What has trade to other countries brought us? It
has brought the things that we do not make. The cars
that we drive, the train that we ride in, and the watches
that we wear are examples of this things. It is not hard
to understand that they have made life better.
But we can trade only if we have more things than
we need. So we have to make or produce more things
to sell. We have to produce more oil, more rubber,
more tin, and more of other things. We have to produce
better things, too, because we can get more money for
them. All this means hard work for us, hard work at
school, hard work at the office, hard work in the city,
hard work in the country, hard work everywhere. By
this way we can all enjoy the good things in life.
The first trader come to Indonesia for ...
A. tin
B. copra
C. spices
D. rubber
E. watches
Now, the people trade for ...
A. food
B. money
C. species
D. furniture
E. luxurious things
People traded many years ago by ...
A. getting things
B. buying things
C. selling thing
D. buying and selling thing
E. exchanging their thing for the other things
According to the text, the most important things that
Indonesian sells to other countries are ...
A. cars, trains, planes
B. gold, copper, silver
C. rattan, wood, sea weed
D. fish, sell, jelly fish
E. oil, rubber, tin and, copra
The main idea of the sixth paragraph is ...
A. how to study hard
B. how to enjoy our life
C. how to improve our trade
D. how to produce more things
E. how to work in our country
Wacana 2
Marijuana is dangerous drug. It is often called
"pot" and the habit of smoking pot may send people to
their graves, before their time. Pot smoking may
damage the brain and other organs in the body,
especially the reproduction organs. In July 1989, at an
international meeting held on the dangers of smoking
marijuana, researchers from 14 countries presented
proof about the dangerous effect of marijuana on the
lungs, the brain, and other organs of the body. They
discovered other effect too: sleeplessness, heavy
sweating, lack of appetite and nausea.
Marijuana is extracted from the cannabis plant.
The; cannabinoids are soluble in fat so they remain in
the body's fatty organs after the smoking party is over.
One organ that contains a large amount of fat is the
human brain. The female reproductive organs also have
high fat content. What harm does the marijuana build-
up to these organs?
Well, let us take an example, a handsome
teenagers whose name is Steve. Formerly he was good
student who; had always received good grades. But he
started to smoke pot. He had difficulties in
concentrating on his subject at; school and in the
remembering things. He also began to feel sick and to
get headache, especially if he did not; smoke pot
regularly. As a result, all his pocket money; went on
pot, and when this was gone he started to steal in order
to satisfy his needs.
What is the remain name of marijuana?
A. pot
B. drug
C. grave
D. Nausea
E. cannabinoids
what remain in the body's patty organs after smoking
A. pot
B. drug
C. grave
D. Nausea
E. Cannabinoids
What were the other effects or marijuana discovered by
the researchers? !
A. sleeplessness, heavy sweating, lack of appetite and
B. smoking marijuana might damage reproductive
C. pot smoking might damage brains and organs
D. that people went to their graves before their time
E. that drugs were very dangerous for people
In line 7, the word "they" refers to ...
A. lungs
B. researchers
C. dangerous effect
D. organs of the body
E. reproductive organs
The main idea of the first paragraph is ...
A. the character of Steve
B. the dangers of smoking pot
C. the habit of smoking pot
D. Steve, a handsome teenager
E. The advantages of smoking pot
Wacana 3
That oil has helped’ to shape the world is not an
exaggeration. Indeed, the discovery of oil during the
last hundred years has changed a great deal of things.
An oil product called kerosene has replaced firewood
in the kitchen of our cities. Motor vehicles using
gasoline or diesel oil have put animal-drawn carriages
into museums. Steamships have lost against motor
vehicles. Diesel locomotives have driven steam
locomotives off the rails. :Jet planes using aviation fuel
fly the skies, making remote places reachable in a
matter of hours.
That oil is indispensable to our everyday lives is
not an exaggeration, either. Yet few of us ever ask how
this important liquid is extracted from the earth and
changed into finished products. In the first place, it is
not an easy matter to find an oil reserve. Exploration
teams, sent by oil companies, have to go to remote
places, find sometimes have to live under harsh
conditions, to explore the earth or seabed for oil. They
study the rock and the soil, and if there are promising
result, the next thing for the oil company to do is to
send a drilling team to the location. Again, this not a
simple matter. Roads, for examples, have to be built
first to transport the men and materials to the site. What
is worse, the first drilling does not always bring about
oil. The drilling team often has to drill up to ten wells
before oil is found.
Animal-drawn carriages have been replaced by ...
A. ships
B. vehicles
C. planes
D. motor vehicles
E. motor boats and vessels
To find an oil reserve people have to explore ...
A. any location
B. rock or oil
C. rock or water
D. the earth or seabed
E. remote places only
In line 15, the word "this" refers to ...
A. building a road them
B. sending a drilling team
C. gathering the crude oil
D. sending exploration teams
E. sending exploration machinery
In line 13, the word "they" refers to ...
A. people
B. exploration teams
C. finished product
D. oil companies
E. harsh conditions
The main idea of the first paragraph is that ...
A. oil has changed a great deal of things
B. kinds of oil for transportation
C. the importance of transportation
D. motor vehicles using gasoline
E. further processing of oil
Exploration teams, sent bay oil companies, have to go
to remote places, (paragraph 2 line 11).
The word "remote" in the sentence above means ...
A. busy
B. near
C. faraway
D. crowded
E. close
An oil product called ... has replaced firewood in the
kitchen of our cities.
A. diesel oil
B. gasoline
C. kerosene
D. lubricant
E. petrol
Wacana 4
In agriculture, for example, to fulfill demand for
food supply, Man tends to concentrate on growing a
single species of plant (monoculture) in area. High
densities of crops provide optimum condition for pests
and spread disease. To kill pests and the spread of
disease man the uses pesticides, especially insecticides.
Trough effective, it is expensive and can kill many
organisms whish harmless to Man's crops so upsetting
the balance of the ecosystem. They may kill the pest's
natural enemies, thus removing a form of biological
control of the pests. Moreover, pesticides, DDT for
example, can accumulate within the tissues of
organism, and be passed along food chains where they
increase in concentration. Animals at the end of the
food chain may doses large enough to be fatal.
Industrialization pollutes the atmosphere, soil and
water. The main factors in this are the release of
chemical waste from industrial processes the use of
pesticides and herbicides, accumulation of unwanted
materials (rubbish) and the increasing disposal of the
radioactive waste.
The only means of preventing over-exploration of
plants, animals and natural resources, and preserving
the stability of the ecosystem is by conservation. The
government gives protection to the species and animal
threatened with extinction and campaigns to conserve
energy. Forest conservation, re-forestatiori, re-gene
ring: National Parks, like Ujung Kulon for example, to
hunt, kill or trade in protected animal such as
elephants, orang utans, rhinoceros, and cassowary.
Recent efforts to transfer elephants from the
neighboring areas to Air Sugihan in South Sumatra is a
means of protecting elephants for extinction.
All this has to be done to raise the quality of the
environment and to produce a balance of nature.
What are the bad effect of industrialization?
A. it pollutes the atmosphere, soil and water
B. it preserves the stability of the ecosystem
C. it decrease disposal of radioactive waste
D. it doesn't accumulate unwanted materials
E. it makes the environments clean and fresh
Why does the government give protection to the spices
and animal?
A. to make them easy to transport
B. to preserves them from extinction
C. to make a better life for them
D. to make the forest always green
E. to preserves the stability of the ecosystem
In line 7, the word "they" refer to ?
A. pesticides
B. species of plant
C. high densities of crops
D. man and pesticides
E. optimum condition and spread disease
In line 21, the word "there" refers to...
A. Air Sugihan
B. Ujung Kulon
C. South Sumatra
D. Forest Conservation
E. The neighbouring area
The main idea of the third paragraph is about ...
A. How to preserve the stability of ecosystem
B. How to kill and trade the animal
C. How to green the National Parks
D. How to protect the elephants
E. How to transfer the elephants
Be careful throwing away chemicals. They may act as
... to soil water.
A. wastes
B. pollutants
C. predators
D. destroyers
E. protectors
In short time human being have been on earth, they
have learned to change the environment to provide
their needs and luxuries.
The underline words mean ...
A. surrounding
B. forest
C. people
D. animals
E. plants
Wacana 5
When we buy canned or bottled food products at
the grocer's or the supermarket, we will find out that
there are some additives added to the main nutrients.
An additives is a non-nutritive substance intentionally
added to food generally in small quantities, to improve
appearance, flavor, storage properties, etc.
Most governments issue lists of permitted
additives stating the highest acceptable concentration,
defining food products in which they may be used and
sometimes recommending the maximum daily
consumption. Such legislation is revised periodically,
and product may be added to or deleted from permitted
lists because of additional scientific knowledge and
experience of their use.
A group of food additives includes vitamins,
amino acids, and minerals which are added to
foodstuffs to compensate for losses occurring during
processing or to provide additional sources in diet that
might otherwise be deficient in such nutrients.
Examples of their use include enrichment of margarine
with the addition of vitamin A, and niacin amide to
flour or bread. Salt often has a small amount of iodine
to it to avoided a diet deficiency that can cause goiter
Appearance is an important factor in food appeal,
and legislation in most countries permits the addition
of both natural and synthetic coloring mater based on
the coloring standards issued by the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health
Organization (WHO).
Flavoring materials are added to basic foodstuff
to; provide a characteristic product flavor or to
supplement or modify the original flavor. Most
flavoring materials are still of natural origin, but
progress in organic chemistry has made, it possible to
analyze flavoring materials and to synthesize product
similar with those found in nature.
Flavor can also be influenced by the addition of
the flavor enhancer such as monosodium glutamate
which intensifies perception of flavoring.
Canned or bottled food product contain additives
besides ...
A. non-nutritive substances
B. margarine with vitamins
C. storage properties
D. small quantities
E. main nutrients
The lists of permitted additives were issued by ...
A. grocer
B. consumer
C. legislation
D. governments
E. food producer
The iodine prevent us from developing ...
A. decay
B. goiter
C. vitamins
D. nutrient
E. diet deficiency
In line 16, the word "it" refers to ...
A. salt
B. flour
C. bread
D. margarine
E. niacin amide
The best title for the above text is ...
A. Food and Vitamins
B. Food and Additives
C. Food and Their use
D. Food and Nutrients
E. Food and a Diet Deficiency
Tinned food is very practical, but it is not as good as ...
A. fast
B. fresh
C. bottled
D. canned
E. synthetic
We have known that ... food is necessary for healthy
bodies and keen minds.
A. fast
B. sweet
C. canned
D. nourishing
E. starchy
The dimension of a ... are by its length, width, and
A. cube
B. square
C. triangle
D. rectangle
E. trapezium
In a tropical country many children die of dehydration.
This means that they die because they lack of ... in their
A. salt
B. water
C. protein
D. energy
E. vitamin
Guide : Is it your first visit to Bali?
Mr. Blake : No. I ... here twice.
A. am
B. was
C. will be
D. must be
E. have been
Instead saying:
The travellers were so tired
They didn't continue their journey.
We can also say ...
A. The travellers were tired because they didn't
continue their journey.
B. The travellers were so tired that they didn't
continue their journey.
C. The travellers were so tired if they didn't continue
their journey.
D. They didn't continue their journey so they were
E. They didn't continue their journey but they were
Toni : Vera, are you going to go to Yanti's birthday
Roni : If she invited me I would go.
From Roni's answer we know that Yanti ... him.
A. invites
B. invited
C. did not invite
D. does not invite
E. will not invite
Mother ... the food by the time the children come
A. cooks
B. cooked
C. will cook
D. has cooked
E. will have cooked
Dina : Roni, that is the most popular book.
Roni : Oh ya. It must have been write by a
distinguished professor.
From the dialogue we know that Ani is sure
distinguished professor ... that book.
A. wrote
B. would write
C. should write
D. planned to write
E. wanted to write
Ani : What would you like to drink?
Irwan : ... will do.
A. Everything
B. Something
C. Anything
D. Nothing
E. None
Bona : Can you help me to answer this question, Tony?
Toni : I would rather you answered it yourself.
The underline sentences means. That Bona ... the
question herself.
A. answers
B. answered
C. has answered
D. did not answer
E. does not answer
Ani : There is a good film Murni Theater.
Will you join me, Hen?
Heri : Certainly.
Ani : Please, come to my house at 4.00 p.m. If you
want to.
The underline sentence means that ...
A. Heri wants to join Ani to see the film.
B. Ani wants to see the film without Heri.
C. Ani doesn't want to join Heri to the film.
D. Heri doesn't want to go with Ani.
E. Ani wants to see the film with Heri.
Roni : Father, my type write is out of order.
Father : Don't worry, I'll get it mended.
The sentence underlined has the same meaning as ...
A. Father will mend it him self.
B. Father wants my sister to mend it,
C. My father will ask someone to mend it.
D. My sister ask father to mend it.
E. Someone will ask father to mend it.
"Do you borrow this book from the library? " asked
Deni wanted to know whether I ... that book from the
A. borrow
B. borrowed
C. will borrow
D. have borrowed
E. am going to borrowed
Ani : You promised to return my book now. I need
Dian : ... I left it home. I'll give it you this afternoon.
A. I'm sorry
B. I don't mind
C. I'm very terrible
D. I'm so pleased
E. I'm very awful
Irfan : The test very difficult.
Toni : Hopefully, you can.
The underline utterance is an expression of ...
A. showing disappointment
B. giving instruction
C. admitting something
D. complaining something
E. showing expectation
Johan : Are you working here, Ivan?
Ivan : Yes, I have been working here for a month.
Johan : Oh, really ...
A. I'm very surprised
B. I'm very anxious
C. I'm confused
D. I'm terrible
E. I'm worried
Father : Where's Helen? It's already 20.30 now.
Mother : She's going working to the Jakarta Fair.
Father : I'm afraid. She gets lost.
The underline phrase express ...
A. hope
B. attention
C. surprise
D. worry
E. disappointment
The teacher : ..., please, we'll start the lesson.
The student : All right. Sir.
A. Be quiet
B. Be careful
C. That right
D. Take care
E. Be a good class